If You Are Not Uncomfortable, You Are Not Doing It Right ..
As the author Seth Godin says :If you’re not uncomfortable in your work as a leader, it’s almost certain you’re not reaching your potential as a leader. So let’s say Is Feeling uncomfortable is a key to success ?
Back in 1908, research from Harvard psychologists Robert Yerkes and John Dillingham demonstrated that there is a relation between performance and mental or physiological arousal. Most people will never outgrow their past selves and become the person they always intended to be because they never had the gift of a breakdown. Because they were never forced to face adversity and to rise to their fullest potential.Everyone needs to get outside from his comfort zone to push his limits .I remember when i join RBK ,i was wondering how this experience will be ? every minute is important here ,you need to work like for 20 hours to reach the level you want ,It seems hard no ? I had spent like three months now and i get stuck in a lot of technical issues ,sometimes i felt like i was getting my foot in the door ,but after all this place was where i wanted to be ,and really i like the way I see it is that I learn best when I’m uncomfortable. Every day passed, I started to realise that what had previously made me uncomfortable doesn’t make me uncomfortable anymore.
As a conclusion what i’m learning from my experience is yesterday’s uncomfort zone became today’s comfort zone .