Your thoughts become things how to manifest the life you want to live !

2 min readFeb 26, 2021

Did you know you have the power to manifest the life you desire in the deepest recesses of your heart? That’s good, you may be thinking. But exactly How do I manifest my thoughts?What would you really love to manifest in your life? What would you love to see and feel and be?

But, first things even though manifesting is about turning your dreams into reality, it does require that you to take proactive steps towards whatever it is that you desire .Have you ever tried to manifest something ?How to manifest ?

Your attract how you feel and what your attract doesn’t come in superficial form ,It comes in the form of motivation ,emotions,opportunities and ideas .

What i want to say ,is with manifestation ,you can have everything you desire ,from love ,success,and you can even manifest money .But you have to be willing to work for what you manifest !

You may have heard of the “Law of Attraction” and that’s exactly what’s at play when you’re manifesting. The Law of Attraction refers to our ability to attract what we believe.

Your vibrations is so important when manifesting because you get the same energie you put out .You will get what you give ,even good or bad,it will attract the same back !

And from my experience at RBK i can assume that because i was from the first day saying to myself that i will be in the immersive phase and with work i get what i manifest .

So as a conclusion i want to say keep your vies high and trust on your thoughts also ,remember that you attract what you believe, so make every effort to keep your internal vibration high and take care of yourself so you’re in the best possible place to create desired change for yourself.

